DIGITAL DEVELOPMENT My graphic design portfolio ranges from brand development, website development, and social media campaigns to research reports. These are some samples of my work from various digital development tasks and social media management.
Michigan's Legal Aid Organizations Social Economic Impact and Social Return on Funding Investment
Research Report
Summer 2022
I designed this report as requested by the Michigan Supreme Court Justice for All Commission in my role as the Communications and Development Associate with Michigan Advocacy Program. The report illustrates the value of civil legal aid through its social return on investment (SROI). It was presented to policymakers and funders to demonstrate the benefit of civil legal services to the state.
Farmworker Legal Services Annual Workers' Resource Calendar
Calendar and Workers' Resource
Spring 2023
I designed and copy-edited this calendar and workers’ resource in my role as Communications and Development Associate with Michigan Advocacy Program for distribution to 20,000 Michigan farmworkers and immigrant workers. The calendar serves to increase community knowledge of workers’ rights and reduce inequalities.
As the Communications and Development Associate with Michigan Advocacy Program, I manage and grow MAP's social media presences. This campaign highlights the importance of access to justice for vulnerable low-income individuals such as survivors of domestic violence. It shares case stories of real MAP clients to demonstrate the impact of MAP's work to supporters and donors.
relish detroit
Branding Package
Winter 2021
Detroit Neighborhood Entrepreneurs Project (DNEP)
As a designer in the Detroit Neighborhood Entrepreneurs Project (DNEP) I was tasked with collaboratively improving the brand presence of a small Detroit-based business. My peers and I partnered with relish detroit, a catering business offering locally sourced ingredients and globally inspired flavors.
After conducting five weeks of marketing and design research and eight weeks of iteration and development, we presented this branding guide to relish detroit. Deliverables included a logo, icons and backgrounds, brand language, colors, product mock-ups, fonts, and social media post templates. This new branding elevated and unified relish's digital presence and helped to increase overall business.
To address relish's problem of taking food orders through multiple channels, I collaborated with my teammate to design a new square space website with an organized structure to display the business’s offerings and an ordering form in one easy-to-navigate place.
I created this carousel post for Youth Justice Fund (YJF) in my role as a volunteer social media coordinator. It is a part of a five-post campaign to educate the public about the services YJF offers, such as assisting returning citizens with finding employment. This campaign educates a public audience about the unfairness of collateral consequences and the importance of reentry services while also demonstrating to potential funders the impact of YJF’s work.
Each post in this six-installment campaign focused on one of several roadblocks that low-income and minority small business owners face. I identified these roadblocks through web-based research and interviews with entrepreneurs during my time as a research intern with ProsperUS. The first slide in the post calls attention to the roadblock, and the second highlights a solution that ProsperUS offers and how to access it. This campaign appeals directly to ProsperUS’s low-income minority entrepreneur clients with helpful information in an engaging way.
ProsperUS Detroit Fellowship Report
Tapestry Project x FoodLab x ProsperUS Detroit Report
Detroit Community Engaged Research Program (DCERP)
Summer 2020
While interning at ProsperUS Detroit--an economic development initiative providing entrepreneurial training, micro-loans, and technical assistance for low-income and minority business owners--I conducted research for, wrote, and designed this report.
The report describes the outcomes of a fellowship of food entrepreneurs and includes recommendations for future cohorts. With the collaboration of another intern, I analyzed the program’s components including a training course, a lending circle, and technical assistance services, and conducted interviews with the food entrepreneurs, and wrote a report based on my findings. This report will serve as a resource to future aspiring entrepreneurs and inform funders about the impactful project.